Ick, don't check the content. That's very ugly. You could always return JSON
objects that include status information, or better yet, use HTTP status

I'll provide an example in a new thread.


On 9/18/07, dougXN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a website that requires login. When we go to the site, if the
> login has expired we get a screen that logs us in, then redirects us
> to our initial request.
> The problem is that if the request is a jquery/ajax .load(....,
> 'mydiv'), it does not go into the div it justs loaded the whole bloody
> page into the window, thus ruining the page setup.
> I think the answer is to check the returning page source and then
> either reload the page or continue depending if I am logged on or not.
> Anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this in a jquery sort of way?
> thanks
> dn

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