On Sep 19, 4:37 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible in prototype to get all checkboxes on a page with a fixed
> id namepart like this:
> ID="my_checkbox"
> and i want to get all checkboxes beginning on "my_"

I'm having a similar issue. I used:

    var videos_checkboxes = $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

That seems to work, however I can't seem to use it. I have:

    var videos = [];
    var videos_checkboxes = $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

    alert( videos_checkboxes.size() );  // returns 3 like I expect

   // But this only iterates over 1 element and it is not a jQuery

    $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').each(function(i, e) {
      alert(e); // [object HtmlInputElement]  (why?)
      videos.push(e.val());  // Error

What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to collect all the value attributes
of the selected checkboxes.


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