
I was trying to cull out just the pertinent code, so that's why the
calling method, etc. seems truncated. Alas (and I wish I could) I
can't post the whole thing, which I know would be more useful.

All of the methods are part of jDemon.

You're right, I don't know what "this" means. I was modeling that bit
after some other code that I'm integrating with. As I mentioned, I'm
dealing with a lot of new material.

I'll try pulling the code out into stand-alone functions and see what happens.


On 9/19/07, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll bet "this" is not what you expect. What is all the "this" usage for? It 
> doesn't look like you are creating an object, or are
> you? I don't see the calling code - do you call "new jDemon" or just 
> "jDemon()"?
> login, getAllCustomers, and getAllCustomersSuccess are methods of... what?
> For example:
>     success: this.getAllCustomers
> When getAllCustomers() gets called, it won't be called as a method of that 
> particular "this" object
> Can you write the code without all the "this" stuff? (Use "this" inside the 
> .each callback, of course, I'm talking about the other
> "this" methods.) It may be a lot easier to get it working that way.
> Do you have a link to a test page?
> -Mike
> > From: Lee Hinde
> >
> > I am trying to nest an ajax call as part of the success
> > callback to an ajax call. Specifically, after a successful
> > log in, I'd like to populate some data.
> >
> > I'm stepping into a lot of new ground, for me, so it's hard
> > to figure out why something isn't working.
> >
> > The login works fine. And the first callback is run, using
> > Firebug, I can tell that the 2nd ajax call is returning the
> > data I expect. But the success callback for the 2nd ajax use
> > isn't firing. I'd be grateful for any assistance.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> > //jDemon was a typo that seemed appropriate, so it stuck
> > function jDemon() {
> >
> > //This works
> >     this.login = function () {
> >         var vusername = $("#name").val();
> >         var vpassword = $("#password").val();
> >         $.ajax({
> >             type:"GET",
> >             url:"dax/login",
> >             data: "username="+vusername+"&password="+vpassword,
> >             success: this.getAllCustomers,
> >             error: this.loginResponseError
> >                 }
> >             );
> >         };
> >
> > //This works
> >     this.getAllCustomers = function (data){
> >         this.sessionId = $("sessionId",data).text();
> >         postDebug(this.sessionId);
> >
> >             $.ajax({
> >                type:"GET",
> >                url:"dax/allrecords",
> >                data: "sessionid="+this.sessionId+"&tableid=1",
> >                success: this.getAllCustomersSuccess,
> >                error: this.loginResponseError
> >                    });
> >
> >         };
> >           //this never runs, although I can tell that data
> > has come back from the server
> >         this.getAllCustomersSuccess  = function(data){
> >             postDebug("getallcustomer");
> >
> >             var textToDisplay = "";
> >             var len=$("row",data).length;
> >             $("row",data).each(function(i){
> >
> >                 $("field",data).each(function(i){
> >                      textToDisplay =+ $(this).attr("id");
> >                       textToDisplay =+ $(this).text();
> >
> >                 }) //each field
> >
> >             } )//each row
> >             $("#debug").text(textToDisplay);
> >
> >         };
> >
> >    ;}
> >
> >    //debug is a console I setup in the page.
> >    function postDebug(textToPost){
> >        var hold =  $("#debug").text();
> >        $("#debug").text(hold+"\n"+textToPost);
> >
> >    }
> >

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