Yeah that would make sense!

A other thing that could be use full is to have a fix for the :focus
selector in IE6.
All though it will be returned as "unknown" in ie6.

If you want to make a plugin and release it it's fine by me.


2007/9/21, Fabien Meghazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > 1. The script only looks for declarations in the stylesheets, that's
> the
> > > beauty of it.
> > yes, but I mean that if you look at the content of the cssRules
> > variable you will see that there are a lot of css declaration which
> > could be avoided (or they can't ?)
> Christian,
> Ok, here's what I meant :
> In parseCss(), checking if css selector contains ":hover" (and return
> if not) will only do stuff on css selectors where :hover is present. I
> guess in most cases this is what we want. (correct me if I'm wrong).
> It's quite faster (I can feel it because I've got a 1ghz laptop :-)
> Anyway, here's a version of your script where we can choose if stuff
> should be done only for :hover selectors or not.
> Calling $.ie6HoverFix(); has the normal behaviour as you designed it.
> Calling $.ie6HoverFix(true);  will redo css declaration only for
> :hover selectors
> Here it is. What do you think ?
> // ie6HoverFix - Author : Christian Bach
> $.ie6HoverFix = function(only_hovers) {
>         if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
>                 only_hovers = only_hovers || false;
>                 var cssRules = [], newStyleSheet =
> document.createStyleSheet(),
> styleSheets = document.styleSheets;
>                 function parseCSS(rule) {
>                         var prefix = "ie6fix-";
>                         var select = rule.selectorText, style =
>                         if (only_hovers && select.indexOf(":hover") == -1)
> {
>                                 return;
>                         }
>                         var element = select.replace(/:(hover).*$/, '');
>                         var pseudo = select.replace(/[^:]+:([a-z-]+).*/i,
> '$1');
>                         var styleRule = element + "." + prefix + pseudo;
>                         var className = prefix + pseudo;
>                         $(element).hover(function(e) {
>                                 $(this).addClass(className);
>                         }, function(e) {
>                                 $(this).removeClass(className)
>                         });
>                         cssRules.push([styleRule,style]);
>                 }
>                 for (var i = 0, ii = styleSheets.length; i < ii; i++) {
>                         for(var j = 0, jj = styleSheets[i].rules.length; j
> < jj; j++) {
>                                 parseCSS(styleSheets[i].rules[j]);
>                         }
>                 }
>                 for (var i = 0, ii = cssRules.length; i < ii; i++) {
>                         var ruledef = cssRules[i][1];
>                         if (ruledef.length != 0) {
>                                 newStyleSheet.addRule(cssRules[i][0],
> ruledef);
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> };
> --
> Fabien Meghazi
> Website:

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