I have a page that submits checkboxes as they are checked on the way
down a form.

The click hides the checkbox for a loading gif, submits the ID via
ajax, and on its return changes the loading icon to a tick image.

What I want to know is how to handle a failure of the ajax request.

currently I have the following:

                  url: "/packages/ajax/primaryInvitee.cfc",
                  method: "addInvitee",
                  data: options,
                  success: function(r) {
                        thisCheck = "check_" + r.LOGINID;
                        thisLoad = "load_" + r.LOGINID;
                        if(r.RESULT > 0){

I cant find a failure equivalent to "success:".

What about a timeout? How would I handle this?

Thanks in advance!

Duncan I Loxton

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