Hi all,

I have started to use Jquery a couple month ago, and i really love the

I am currently working on an event delegation plugin, attaching
generic event to the document and applying filters to the target
element to determine if an event should be applied.

I have however noticed some weird behavior for the .is() and .filter()
function :

I am using the latest jquery version 1.2.1 and am having some troubles
with the filter function.

If you use filter with an expression containing a space ( '.myClass a'
for example), nothing is filtered at all.

$('*').filter('.myClass a' );  returns all the nodes on the page.

Is it the expected behaviour ? Is there other ways to efficiently
check if a given node matches a given rule ?

                                                if $(target).is('.myClass a'){
                                                      //do sth
                                                if $(target).is('.myOtherClass 
                                                      //do sth else


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