On Sep 27, 1:23 pm, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> polyrhythmic wrote:
> > I've seen that happen to me before when running .corner() on a floated
> > element.  Cornertries to adapt properties from its parent from
> > the .cornerdivs, so if you have some css like #container div { float:
> > left; } the float will be applied to your .cornerdivs too, and bork
> > your layout.  Cornerworks better with absolute or relative-ly
> > positioned elements, consider wrapping the div you intend to .corner()
> > in another div.
> It would be ideal ifcornercould detect if the div is floated and
> accommodate :)

Because of the nature of floats, I don't really see a universal
solution.  Wrapping an element or changing its position naturally
would have a great affect on layout.  A different corner technique
would have to be used... and maybe one day we'll see border-radius
support in IE (it's already in khtml, webkit, gecko) but as long as
users are stuck on IE6 corner techniques will be a hack.  But yes, I
wish it could accommodate too.


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