hi list,

I'm using the latest jquery build to do some fancy ajax+animation
stuff on my website. Nothing spectacular. It works in all browser yet
not in Safari on Mac. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Even the simple
hide() function (second line of the script) doesn't work. Any idea on
how to fix this?

here's the code

$(document).ready(function() {

        $(function showNextPic () {
        $('a.nextpic').livequery('click', function(event) {
                var dataArray = $('.projectpic').attr("id").split("_");
                        var id = dataArray[1];
                        var menu_een_ID = dataArray[2];
                        var menu_twee_ID = dataArray[3];
                        var lang = dataArray[4];
                        var picid = dataArray[5];
                        var op = $(this).attr("id");
                    type: "GET",
                    url: "item.php",
                    data: "ID=" + id + "&op=" + op + "&menu_een_ID=" +
menu_een_ID + "&menu_twee_ID=" + menu_twee_ID + "&lang=" + lang +
"&picid=" +picid+ "&ajax=true",
                    dataType: "json",
                            beforeSend: function(){hideCurrentPic();},
                            success: function(json){showNewPic(json,lang);}
            return false;

    function hideCurrentPic() {
    function showNewPic(json,lang) {
                $('.projectpic').fadeOut("fast",function() {$
('.projectpic').attr({ id: "jq_" +json.item_ID+ "_" +json.menu_een_ID+
"_" +json.menu_twee_ID+ "_" +lang+ "_" +json.ID, src: "../layout/
images/uploads/" +json.picture, alt: json.alt }).fadeIn("fast");});


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