If you only want to do this once on the page try something like this:
HTML ----execute the function on mouseover
<a onmouseover="readMore()" href="someurl">someurl</a>

JS ---get your text stored in an html file (could be any type of text
file really) and, once it's loaded, append that data into the proper
div, using its id.
function readMore() {
     $.get("theText.html", function(data){

here's info on $.get: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.get#urldatacallback

If you wanted many of these on your page you can still do it all from
one function, just pass the variables of what text to get and which
div to put it in:
<a onmouseover="readMore('text1.html', '#textHolder1')"

function readMore(file, id) {
     $.get(file, function(data){

This is my first post, hope it was helpful.
Roger Wakeman

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