I've been looking into this for the past 12 hours or so. I'm starting
to get crazy. Any help would be deeply appreciated. It works in all
browsers, yet not in Safari.
(sorry for bumping - but this list is my last hope at the moment)

On 29 sep, 16:53, bytte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have made a very basic slideshow, with help from this list, that
> looks for images in a database, then displays them. Here's the 
> link:http://www.sum.be/project/item.php?item=14&ID=39〈=1(navigate
> through the pics by using the small arrows to the right of the
> picture)
> It works ok in all tested browsers (ff mac/win, ie, opera mac/win),
> yet not on safari (mac+win).
> As you'll see there's a problem with the fadeIn/fadeOut resulting in a
> blank space where the picture should reside.
> Here's the code I use to make the old picture fadeOut and the new one
> fadeIn:
> function showNewPic(json,lang) {
>      var img = new Image();
>      img.onload = function(){
>           $('.jq_loading').hide();
>           $('.projectpic').fadeOut("fast",function() {
>                $('.projectpic').attr({ src: "../layout/images/
> uploads/"+json.picture, id: "jq_" +json.item_ID+ "_" +json.menu_een_ID
> + "_" +json.menu_twee_ID+ "_" +lang+ "_" +json.ID, alt:
> json.alt }).fadeIn("fast");
>           });
>      }
>      img.src = "../layout/images/uploads/"+json.picture;
> }
> Any idea why it fails in Safari? The Safari Javascript console gives
> me no errors whatsoever.

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