Thanks for the comments people, I know this idea wont set the world on
fire, as Joel mentioned, it fits a niche (in a the true sense of the

The independent file manager with upload is almost done which I will
add in shortly.

But for a question a little off topic.  Looks like the only way for
the editor to produce valid code is to use the doctype 'XHTML 1.0
Transitional', there is some weirdness (align attr. on images) with
the wysiwyg editor with floating images that 'XHTML 1.0 Strict'
doesn't like.  I know the Xinha editor produces better code, but it
doesn't work in Opera and Safari.

Does anyone know of an OS editor that will work in all browsers yet
produce valid output ?  Or considering the target audience for the end
user do you reckon I should sacrifice Safari and Opera users to
produce valid code ?


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