I can add my support to Jorn's treeview plugin.  We're using it and it's 
working great.  Our needs are for a simple text navigation tree, but 
will later grow to include images/icons with the links.  Some of the 
recent changes to the treeview (in SVN) solved our navigation problems 
with a "navigation: true" option....  Thanks Jorn.  So far it's bug 
free. (other than user caused bugs).


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Gerson Goulart schrieb:
>> Hi all!
>> I'm not a programmer (and don't speak English), but I'm trying to do
>> both. =D
>> I'm looking for a simple solution to do a simple tree menu like the
>> Windows Explorer during some days. All solutions I find are terible,
>> in my opinion (including dtree ) :p
>> I decided to do a very simple tree menu using JQuery and HTML
>> unnordered list. However I only applyed the funtionality in the first
>> <li><ul> node. (Do you can comprehend what I'm speaking?)
>> Can someone help me?
> Have you ever looked at my treeview plugin? 
> http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/plugins/treeview/
> It may still need a bit CSS tuning, but otherwise its running fine. I'm 
> nearly there to release a new version that includes both location and 
> cookie based persistance. And you can add nodes to the tree.
> -- Jörn

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