Hey folks,

I'm pleased to announce the full service of Paste Monkey is now
running at http://pastemonkey.org.  This is a collaborative pastebin
developed in CakePHP 1.2, and running AJAX with jQuery.

It is still in the beta stage, but very functional, with features such as:

* Use of Live Query and jQuery UI to create a rich interface
* A permalink for both the user
(http://pastemonkey.org/add/yournamehere) and for pastes
* Expiry time for pastes (Day, Week, Month or Never)
* The ability to edit a paste, and download a diff patch file, as well
as download the origional source
* Live Search, where you type in the word you are looking for in the
source, tab off the field and it will be searched and highlighted for
* SPAM CAPTCHA using ReCaptcha (a captcha project with a purpose,
check out http://recaptcha.net)
* You are able to search by tags and by language to find similar posts.

Hopefully you will all find it useful, and I am happy to offer
subdomains to any communities that may want to use the bin (or you can
host your own if you dare!), and please submit any bugs or
enhancements at http://code.google.com/p/pastemonkey/issues/list

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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