I think that is my fault; it was a patch I submitted way back at the
beginning of last year. But you're right, $(undefined) shouldn't select the
document, only $() with no arguments at all should. Want to file a ticket on

The offending code is at the beginning of jQuery.fn.prototype:

    // Make sure that a selection was provided
    selector = selector || document;

That really should be:

    // Select document object for $()
    if( ! arguments.length ) selector = document;


> From: Jake
> I am having a problem with jQuery (2.1.1).
> I have a set of variables defined and depending on 
> circumstances some may be undefined.
> A simple stupid example:
>     var element_id;
>     var the_element = jQuery(element);
>    the_element.click(function () { alert('Hello World'); });
> The result of this is that any click anywhere produces the 
> "Hello World" alert box.  The expected behavior was that no 
> click event would be bound since element_id was undefined and 
> so no matching element could be found.  Not binding document.click.
> I suppose jQuery behaves this way is so calling jQuery() 
> without any parameters returns "document" and you can work on 
> it in the short concise jQuery way.
> But doesn't this seem like incorrect behavior?

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