It seems that I have a misunderstanding about how .is() worked. Given
this html:
<div class="test">
        <div id="x">Test DIV</div>

I was expecting this:
     alert( $('#x').is('div:not(.test) div') );
to return "false". Instead, it returns true.

Can I not check for parent conditions in .is()?

I see that according to the docs, is() uses filter() internally. So I
tried this:
     alert ( $('div').size() ); // Correctly alerts 2
and this:
     alert ( $('div:not(.test) div').size() ); // Correctly alerts 0
but this:
     alert ( $('div').filter('div:not(.test) div').size() ); // Alerts

It looks like the internal div is being duplicated in the results,
which I don't understand either. I would have expected 0, because no
div elements on the page actually match the filter() expression. I am
probably just misunderstanding the internal workings of these methods
- can anyone clarify?
(all my testing is in IE6 only, btw)

My real-world goal is to make sure an element has no parent with a
certain class, and take action only if this is true. I wanted to use
the .is() method above, but I am doing this instead for now:

if (o.parents().filter('div.unwantedclass').size()==0) { ... }

Is there a better way?

Matt Kruse

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