Hey Jack,

I just found this on Dzone.

11 Recent Tutorials / Articles at the New Adobe Developer Center


Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Thanks Rey. Finding out whether the usual jquery $.getJson and such will work from inside the (beta 2) sandbox (or some other way via the sandbox bridge) is my first task. If someone knows that, it'd save me some experimentation time. I dread the thought of converting code to the AIR native ajax api's. I suspect those only have to be used outside the sandbox (since forcing ajax code rewrites would not be inline with the goals of AIR as I've read them), but am not sure how the pieces fit together at this point.

I think you might have given me the wrong link below?


Rey Bango wrote:

Hi Jack,

Before Beta 2 and the new security features, doing that would've been trivial. With the new features, I don't believe you'll be able to just have one codebase for your app since the sandboxes are built in a way that require you to use the built-in APIs to do things like Ajax calls. Don't quote me at I'm not 100% sure on this.

I just downloaded Beta 2 myself and hopefully will be able to get into it further but in my phone call with Adobe, they explicitly said that they would be "enhancing" security and it would require changes to the way the apps are built.

There's a post on Ajaxian that give some good links as well:


I also have contacts on the AIR team at Adobe so if you have specific AIR questions, let me know.


Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Thanks Jake,

At this risk of getting too off-topic, I don't *think* that will work for my scenario, which is an app that does a lot of jquery ajax stuff with json. In particular, there is a sandbox that some of it will have to live in:


Also, ideally, I would like to maintain one copy of the "core" code, but have it work for both the AIR app and the web app, ideally with them both sharing code (not copies).

FWIW, right now, I have little need for the AIR-specific features (drag drop, local file system access, etc), and am just looking for the best way to shoehorn my existing jquery app into the sandbox, I *think*.

Re: FlexBuilder, I'm using the Aptana plugin for AIR in Eclipse.


Jake McGraw wrote:
A free copy of AIR for JavaScript Developers is available here:

http://tinyurl.com/23uqqj [ajaxian.com]

As jQuery ajax functions work within Safari (Webkit), there should be
no major overhauls necessary for your app. Simply generate a static
HTML representation of your application and include it in a directory
with jquery.js, AIRAlias.js and your custom scripts/images. Create an
AIR configuration file (see book) and you should be good to go.

You may also want to check out the Flex Build IDE for Eclipse. It
includes a lot of built in functionality for developing AIR
Applications using either Flex/Flash or HTML/JavaScript.

- jake

On 10/2/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If anyone sends you something offlist, please post it back here. I'm also
VERY interested in learning this type of development.

-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 11:13 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] jquery + adobe air: getting started?

Hi All,

Anyone know of some blog entries, tutorials, etc (other than the general
stuff at Adobe Labs) that might help me get started "migrating" a
jquery-based HTML app to the Adobe AIR runtime? I'm looking for
jquery-specific tips, examples, etc.

My app does a lot of ajax calls that send json data back and forth, so the bulk of it will live in the AIR sandbox, at least initially, so that has to be present in the how-to's. I'm using Aptana's AIR plugin for Eclipse for my

- Jack

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