I've run into this a lot in the past, in IE6, & to a lesser extent
IE7, using jQuery's document.ready function. It wasn't happening
consistently & I never put in the time to make a test page. I was
adding a lot of functions for DOM-modification plugins (rounded
corners plugin, jtip, jcarousel, etc) & the Operation Aborted error
seemed to be caused by all the DOM modification going on.

I think this is the root cause:

In the end I hacked a lame fix together by changing jQuery's
document.ready behavior - It seemed from my testing that in the
situation where IE was displaying a cached page, the "script defer"
trick that jQuery uses for the IE document.ready handling fired too
early, before the DOM was really ready, although it wasn't consistent.
Commenting out the line for the script defer IE handling did the trick
- the way jQuery is written (or was in 1.1.2, haven't checked newer
versions), document.ready defaults to the window.onload event if no
other event triggers it sooner.

I haven't worked on any projects where this would have been an issue
lately. My solution a bad fix that I don't recommend, but I couldn't
find anything else. Anyone else have ideas/comments/solutions?

On Oct 3, 6:49 pm, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> G[N]Urpreet Singh wrote:
> > Once every few times the page is loaded in IE6, it just fails. It says
> > "Operation Aborted" and fails. Could anyone point me to why this is
> > happening. And this did not happen at all while the site was on my
> > local machine, it started when I put it up on a test server for client
> > review.
> I've had that sometimes when I incorrectly tried modifying the DOM
> before it was ready...

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