Hey all, LOVING jScrollpane at the moment, here is a page I'm working


The right area with the grey box is a scrollpane which will have a
bunch of different things in it. If you view it in firefox, you'll see
that the grey scroll bar comes up, works great :)

However, on Internet explorer 6, the jScrollpane does not load... I
get an error about an exception being not handled.
But, the really, really hard to diagnose part? if I reload the page,
or occasionaly when I view it, the page will load, jScrollbars

Ther are other scrollers under neath too, which I was using to get it
at least appear with a default scrollbar. That works, Now I was just
wondering what kind of problem would cause this. Is there some kind of
loading order I should respect or do differently?

The javascript code itself at the moment is nothing special - its just
an adapted example code:

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