NB ..... to add/change an id:
          this.id = 'bar'+i;

On Oct 6, 2:47 am, rgrwkmn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In addition to Wizzud's solution:
> Since it seems that you want to be able to access each select with the
> name "foo" individually and change their values individually you could
> try something like this:
> $('select[name=foo]').each(function(i){
>           $(this).addClass('foo'+i);
>           });
> This would dynamically add classes foo0, foo1, foo2, etc. to your
> selects named foo, meaning you could access each by class name if you
> know what order they appear in. Also, make sure to run that script
> whenever the contents of your table change so you always have an up to
> date list. I assume it would be 'better' to give id's to each one
> since they are unique, but unique class names work just as well and
> there is no addId method in jQuery.
> On Oct 5, 5:59 pm, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > With...
> > <select name='foo'><option value='bar1'>bar1</option></select>
> > <select name='foo'><option value='bar2'>bar2</option></select>
> > ....try...
> > var selects = $('select[name=foo]');
> > See the Attribute Filters, under Selectors in the API Reference.
> > (If you have non-unique ids for elements on your page, do not rely on
> > selecting them by $('#id')!)
> > syg6-2 wrote:
> > > For reasons I won't go into here I have a page which has a table with
> > > a variable amount of rows. Each row has a hidden, text, and select.
> > > They all have the same name. I also have other selects on the page
> > > with different names.
> > > What I need to do is access only the selects, to be able to add and
> > > remove options. So I need to know how many selects with the name "foo"
> > > are on the page
> > > I have tried this:
> > > jQuery("select#foo")
> > > which simply returns [Object object]. If I do this:
> > > jQuery("select#foo").length
> > > it returns 0 which is not true. When I load the page I have 2 selects
> > > already. So if I do this:
> > > jQuery("select#foo").text()
> > > it returns white space. And
> > > jQuery("select#foo").val()
> > > returns undefined.
> > > I have also tried stuff like
> > > jQuery("select#foo[0]").val()
> > > but nothing seems to work. Since uses can dynamically add rows to the
> > > table (and with each one a hidden, text input and select) I need to 1)
> > > know how many selects with a given id/name there are and 2) be able to
> > > manipulate the values in each one.
> > > How can I do this?
> > > Thanks!
> > --
> > View this message in 
> > context:http://www.nabble.com/multiple-selects%2C-hiddens-and-text-inputs-wit...
> > Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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