Has anyone created a similar app, using jQuery, to the extjs.com "Image Chooser"?
http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/index.html - click
"Image Chooser Component" in the right column

I need to do something similar, but simpler - my page will have a set number of 'blank' thumbnails.

1) Click any placeholder block to see a selection of thumbnails (some sort of popup or shown/hidden div)
2) Choose an image to see a large version
3) Click a link or button to close the selector, with the selected image shown in place of the initial 'blank' for that space
4) Write a variable to a hidden field for each image selected

I also need to allow for any image to be clicked again, and changed, as many times as the user wants.

I have done similar things with basic popup windows, where a selection in a form field in the popup changes the parent form when the popup is closed - but I am looking for a more elegant solution, without page refreshes or browser popups...

any suggestions?


Michael Evangelista, Evangelista Design
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