ajaxSend is a global event that *every* bound listener will pick up.
You're binding listeners to all the elements that you *could* click on
to initiate the ajax call, but the ajax call does not know (or care)
what was clicked on, it just knows it has something to send.

You must have click event handlers bound to the .control elements in
order to initiate the ajax call, so why not simply replace the image
on the clicked element prior to making the ajax call?

    $(this)......// replace image with 'waiting' image
    $.ajax(....); // make ajax call

On Oct 10, 3:38 pm, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's say I have 10 icons on a web page. Clicking an icon will change
> it from it's colored version to it's gray scale version.  Changing
> flag states if you will. Lets say, just for example, it takes 3 - 5
> seconds for the icon to change because it has to wait on the server to
> process the request and return the icon that represents the result
> (special icon for failures). I want a wait image to replace the icon
> that was clicked while waiting on the server.
> I have tried something like this
> $('.control').ajaxSend(
>   function() {
>     $(this).replaceWith('images/wait.gif');
>   });
> This:
> $('.control').ajaxSend(
>   function(evt) {
>     $(evt.target).replaceWith('images/wait.gif');
>   });
> and This:
> $('.control').each(
>   function() {
>     $(this).ajaxSend(
>       function() {
>         $(this).replaceWith('images/wait.gif')
>       }
>     )
>   });
> They all give me the same result... all the objects with the class
> 'control' are replaced with the wait image and not just the one that
> was clicked. I thought for sure the last one would work ;(.
> <strong>Plain Text Test</strong>

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