Hi Guys,

Did you figure this out?

I have a problem with links that were converted using sIFR and then I
to use them to do a show/hide using jQuery and it looks like Flash is
stealing my click event, so the click event never gets called by

Is there any way to get Flash to trigger the event for a specific


On Oct 5, 10:51 am, njsuperfreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sweet! Good Find Brett, and thanks Sam! I think I am definitely going
> to experiment with this. looks interesting...
> On Oct 4, 8:19 pm, Brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Interesting, I googled up and found an example of 
> > this:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/flash_call.html
> > NotjQueryas such in the demo, but any function you write can refer
> > tojQuery.
> > On Oct 5, 8:10 am, "Sam Sherlock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > yourflashwould need to be wmode=transparent
> > > and you'd need to call a javascript function from withinflashthat in turn
> > > calls the grey box function
> > > sincejqueryapplies the onclick event to all anchors with a class of
> > > greybox you'll need simluar code inside you function that you call from
> > >flash.
> > > getURL('javascript:callGreyboxFromFlash()');
> > > - S
> > > On 04/10/2007, njsuperfreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > CanFlashcommunicate withjQuery? I would like to useflashto
> > > > interact withjQuerylike opening up a dialogbox using the greybox.js
> > > > plugin. How would I go about doing that any ideas?
> > > > The code is activated by the class="greybox"

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