Hello Yasmary,
Can you modify the php output? If so, I would suggest you to use class
instead of id.
You could also try using the next() function.

Hope I didn't misunderstood your message.

<a href="#" class=showtxt">show text</a><div class="textbox">Text here</div>
<a href="#" class=showtxt">show text</a><div class="textbox">Text here</div>
<a href="#" class=showtxt">show text</a><div class="textbox">Text here</div>
<a href="#" class=showtxt">show text</a><div class="textbox">Text here</div>

  return false;

On 10/11/07, Yasmary Mora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> Got a question that I havn't been able to answer. This is my last resort.
> :)
> So, I have a list of dynamically created divs, with a link next to
> them to show or hide text inside of it. I know how to do it when its
> only a single box, but I dont know how to do it with a dynamic list.
> The whole script gets created with php, so I don't know how many divs
> there'll be. Normally I do the whole thing with javascript but I
> really like jQuery, and I wanted to try to stick to using it.
> So the result of the php script is something like this:
> <a href="#" id=showtxt[1]">show text</a><div id="textbox[1]">Text
> here</div>
> <a href="#" id=showtxt[2]">show text</a><div id="textbox[2]">Text
> here</div>
> <a href="#" id=showtxt[3]">show text</a><div id="textbox[3]">Text
> here</div>
> <a href="#" id=showtxt[4]">show text</a><div id="textbox[4]">Text
> here</div>
> The jQuery code I have works for only one box...
> $('#showtxt').click(function() {
>         $('#textbox').slideToggle(400);
>         return false;
> });
> I've tried for the past 2 hours to figure it out, and I've had no
> luck. I think I might be using the wrong wording to describe my
> problems, but either way I have no idea exactly what I'm looking for.
> Any help is appreciated. :o)
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> -Yasmary

Joan Piedra  ||  Frontend web developer
http://www.justaquit.com/  ||  http://www.joanpiedra.com/

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