try to put your class style definition in your css file
and then change only the name in className, and the fact is that class
name changing is always faster then using something like style="" in
pure JS.

the other thing is that if you are using jQ then you can take
advantage of addClass or removeClass or togleClass or sth like that I
dont understand why you are using pure className.

On 12 Paź, 05:59, gvido trepša <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table with 500 rows (7 tds each, and with lots of classes).
> They are all part of html document.
> The menu has 10 categories, and clicking on the category is supposed
> to show only those rows where row's className==menu's categoryName.
> Now, whether I do that by changing the display property of each row:
>          'none'-->'table-row' || 'block',
> or by setting the table's class name to the category name and adding
> the line:
>          table .className tr.className { display: ...; }
> to the style sheet, I have the same result:
> In FF the table changes/redraws instantly;
> In IE6/7 the change takes about 5 seconds, plus all other events,
> like hover etc. has a second or more long delay.
> Any quick suggestions? Is this some known IE behaviour? Unavoidable?
> --Gvido

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