I DLed interface.js and tried blind and I still have a flicker or
popping of the image that is a background in the slidebar div so it's
not specific to slide

On Oct 13, 4:44 pm, somnamblst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The flicker or flash of white I am struggling to find a solytion for
> is only happening when slideToggle slides down,  the initial slideDown
> slideUp do not flicker. Flicker occurs  in FF, but not in IE.
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         initSlideboxes();
>         function initSlideboxes()
> {
> $('#slidebar').slideDown(1000);
> setTimeout(function()
> {
>   $('#slidebar').slideUp(3000);
> }, 5000);
>         $('#slidebar').html($('#hidebar').html());
>         $('#slidebartrigger').click(function(){$
> ('#slidebar').slideToggle("slow"); });
> };
> });- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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