The docs are incorrect.  Your ajaxSuccess handler is passed three arguments:

1.  The event object
2.  The XHR
3.  The settings object

$().ajaxSuccess (function(ev, xhr, s) {
    alert('event type: ' + ev.type);
    alert('status: ' + xhr.status);
    alert('url: ' + s.url);



On 10/15/07, Giovanni Battista Lenoci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking on the doc, but I've a doubt about the ajaxSuccess
> event.
> In docs says:
> > The XMLHttpRequest and settings used for that request are passed as 
> > arguments to the callback.
> But in wich form?
> I think is an object, but can you help me understand how is
> structured?
> In my particular case I made a request and I want to know which data
> was send in the request to perform a particular the ajax
> success event.
> Thank you

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