Thanks Mike,

I did not see your very quick reply before I got to send my second

That answers me questions nicely

On Oct 15, 3:09 pm, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well that was quick, divine intervention is not to be underrated.
> The javascipt "this" keep word works for what I need. So I am no
> longer in  a fix but would still like to know how to pass extra
> parameters to this function
> On Oct 15, 2:56 pm, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I know that the success function has 2 default parameters but how do I
> > add a custom parameter?
> > 1 - A user clicks a form (with a ID of TOM) button
> > 2 - The loading function gets called which just adds a class to a div
> > with the ID of TOM_output.
> > 3 - Then ajax requests comes back with success and I want to remove
> > the class for the target div
> > How do I access the the target div from with my loaded function??
> > function button_click(myform){
> >     var button_output = '#' + + '_output';
> >     var options = {
> >         target:            button_output,
> >         beforeSubmit: loading,
> >         success:        loaded(responseText, statusText, button_output)
> >    };
> >    $(myform).ajaxForm(options);
> >    return false;
> > }
> > function loading(formData, jqForm, options){
> >         // get form id
> >         var form_id = jqForm[0].id;
> >         // add loading class (starts a spinning gif)
> >         $(form_id).addClass('spinner');
> > }
> > function loaded(responseText, statusText,myform){
> >         // remove loading class (stops the spinning gif)
> >         $(myform).removeClass('spinner');
> > }
> > Any help most appreciated
> > Cheers
> > Tom

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