I´ll need some help on this because I´m getting errors: I saved this from the page as tinymce.js
// tiny MCE - // jQuery plugin for accessible, unobtrusive WYSIWYG HTML editing // v .1 // by Alton Crossley // http://www.nogahidebootstrap.com/jtinymce/ $.fn.tinymce = function(options) { return this.each(function() { preString = "<div class='jqHTML_frame' style='width:"+$ (this).css("width")+"px;height:" + ($(this).css("height")+20) + "px;'><div>"; postString = "</div><div class='jqHTML_link' style='float:right' onclick="toogleEditorMode('" + this.id + "');">HTML</div></div>"; $(this).wrap(preString + postString); //alert(this.id + '' + $(this).html() + ''); //alert(this.id + 'Width:' + $(this).css("width") + 'Height:' + $(this).css("height")); }); } And the I tried to inoke tinyMCE by doing this: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#test_textarea').tinymce(); }); I get these errors: 1. $("#test_textarea").tinymce is not a function 2. missing ; before statement is there anything else that I have to do? Is the plugin Jquery 1.2.1 compatible? Thansk