Coming back to this issue, I spent some time today playing around with
ext's toolbar with menus example:
Seems to work really well, but writes everything (including a table!)
from javascript rather than working off of existing markup.

But if all you need is a button and/or a button with a drop-down menu,
it seems like you could do it with a combination of some CSS-button
styling and ClickMenu

> I've started a  conversation with the developer about extending his plugin to 
> support
> this type of menu system.  If you could chime-in with your suggestions, I'd 
> appreciate it.
> Blog comments at:

I finally did, suggesting a combination of ClickMenu and this
I played around a little with the idea myself, and it seems like the
two primary hurdles are selecting only the "top-level" links, and
positioning the drop-down properly when the link is styled as a
button. I didn't get anywhere with it myself, which isn't saying much.
But I thought I'd throw it out there in case others might be

  -- Owen

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