I can't tell you what is wrong without seeing the page (can you post links
to the working and broken versions?), but I can tell you this: There is no
such thing as a JSP page when we're talking about jQuery, JavaScript, CSS,
and other client-side technologies.

By the time the page reaches the browser, JSP is long out of the picture.
All the browser sees is the resulting HTML/JS/CSS files and their headers.

You mentioned that the JSP page is identical to the HTML page - just to
double-check, did you do a Save As (Web Page Only) on the JSP page in the
browser and diff that saved page with the HTML version?

If they are truly identical, then the only thing left is the headers.
Compare those with the working version and the problem should be in whatever
is different.


> From: Iorlas
> New to jQuery and have successfully managed to use the ajax 
> functionality from an HTML page. The problem is that I want 
> to use it from a JSP page. The JSP page is identical to the 
> HTML page, but it seems that jQuery stops working from the 
> JSP page. At least all JavaScript evaluation stops working in 
> this page (even if I only have a script inclusion of the 
> jquery.js file. If I remove the link to jQuery then my own 
> scripts start to work in the JSP page.
> I am completely stomped. What am I doing wrong? Is there 
> something wrong with a header that can create this?
> I am running JBoss 4.2.1.GA.
> Has anyone seen the same behavior?

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