It was difficult to decide where I should post this. I think the issue
is with jQuery though, I'm certainly no pro with jQuery, having only a
few months experience.

Let me explain my problem.

I'm using a form which has a file upload,  and also sends standard
text data. This form I wish to be ajax'ed.

I'm using this code:

$("#node-form").ajaxForm(function(){alert("Thank you for your

If I upload an image, I'll still get that message, but the image is
not uploaded to image.module in drupal (which handles image thumbnail
creation etc) . In fact, it's not uploaded at all.

If I strip the file field, and use a different content type (Story
type for those who use Drupal, which just creates a page), it works
beautifully. I therefore deduced there's something amiss with file
uploading. How can I send an image with the Form Plugin, so Drupal can
then generate what it needs.

I have searched the list and the internet, but do not understand what
to do. Please help if you can.

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