Event delegation can help you. 

On 16 oct, 17:18, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you need the jQueryLive plugin.  it allows you to bind events
> regardless of when they enter the dom.
> I wish there was a way to see the events that are attached, like in
> Firebug.  Someone else might have a solution for that.
> Glen
> On 10/16/07, Giovanni Battista Lenoci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I have a doubt about the right way to perform an event binding.
> > In a page a I have a select with id #cat1 and class="myselect".
> > During the use of the page depending on the element selected on cat1 a
> > do an ajax call, that get a list of elements and generate a select
> > that has id="#cat{id_of_the_cat_selected}" and class "myselect".
> > Now I want that #cat{id_of_the_cat_selected} be able to do the ajax
> > call, then In the success function of the ajax call I bind the event
> > to the object created.
> > In this way the interaction can be do with all cat on my tree.
> > The first question is:
> > Is the correct way to do this?
> > I tried to bind the event in the document ready on the class
> > "myselect", but the event can't be bind on an element that not still
> > exist on the DOM.
> > The other question is:
> > In my specific case I use this script in two pages in my page, in the
> > second page I want that after the creation of the select another ajax
> > call get the element of the cat selected.
> > For the first element no problem cause in document ready I attach to
> > bind 2 functions, but when the control passes to the function that
> > create the select the only function is binded is the one that creates
> > the select.
> > I have to rewrite the function or I can in any mode attach another
> > event to the select created?
> > How bind works, it add an event or overwrite the events with the ones
> > in the last call?
> > There's a way to debug and see what events are attached to a
> > particular element?
> > Sorry for my english, is not my spoken language and I did my best to
> > be clear.. :-)
> > Thank you all- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

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