Hello again all!

I just upgraded one of my web apps to jQuery 1.2.1, and noticed
that .remove() no longer retains event handler bindings (i.e., if I
have a .click() bound to an element). Previously, I was assigning the
the return value of .remove() to a variable to stash a small chunk of
the page in memory, and append it back in later on. In jQuery 1.1.2, I
could recall it from memory, complete with previously bound click
events and all, but in 1.2.1 it doesn't appear to work that way. Is
there a better way to go about this and make it work in 1.2.1?

Thanks for your continued support for such a great library!

(Apologies if this shows up twice -- my initial post didn't appear,
even after a few hours...)

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