nevermind, i think i found the solution:

are there any other known methods?

On Oct 18, 12:59 pm, schmingle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have a piece of code that inserts new objects into the DOM.  these
> objects are of the same class as other objects already in the DOM to
> which jquery has bound.  how do i get these new objects to bind the
> same as the existing ones?  in other words... let's say i have this:
> $('.foo').click(function() { doSomething()});
> when i insert new ".foo" objects, i want them to also have their click
> event bound to doSomething().  is there a built-in jquery method to do
> this?  or do i simply need to do the binding as the new object is
> added?
> thanks!

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