I found a workaround, but maybe there's an issue with $.get in jquery 1.1.2 that messes with using it recursively, or some option I could set? I replaced the $.get with this and it worked like a charm:

               type: 'GET',
               url: filePath,
               success: function(template){
                   templates[ fileName.split('.')[0] ] = template;

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Losing some hair over this one.... maybe someone can help? I'm using jquery 1.1.2 (and must use that rev). I have a list of html files (snippets of html) that I want to fetch sequentially via a $.get and store in a hash. I'm doing something like this, using while and shift() to loop through the list (I don't need the array after it's been looped through) and make a recursive call to the getTemplates function:

var baseUrl = 'http://www.mydomain.com/snippets';
var fileList = ['discounts.html', 'categories.html', 'options.html', 'inventoryOptions.html', 'skuOptions.html'];
var templates = {};

function getTemplates(){
       if (fileList.length > 0){
           var fileName = fileList.shift(); // shrinks the queue
           var filePath = baseUrl + '/' + fileName;
           $.get( filePath, function(template){
               templates[ fileName.split('.')[0] ] = template;
getTemplates(); // recursive call (works on 2nd call, then dies)

The $.get works fine for the first file, but for the 2nd file it's url gets "?prototype=%5Bobject%20Object%5D" appended to the end of it, which *does* fetch the 2nd file, but then the code dies silently after that. Example of the 2nd url:


Any ideas about what's happening and how to make it do what I want? I don't really want to resort to an ajax queuing plugin if I can avoid it.


- Jack

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