Never mind, I answered my own question. For those who may need to know, you can use the index() call, so long as you provide a context. For example:

var myPlayerWindow = $("#my-player-window");
myPlayerWindow.cycle({after: afterSwitch});

function afterSwitch(incoming, outgoing, options) {
   $.debug(myPlayerWindow.children().index(incoming) );
// or, in my case...

Hope this helps someone else down the line!

 AIM: tobyParent
--- Begin Message ---
Hey, gang -

I've got the cycle plugin working, just great, it's a beautiful thing. However, I have a after callback that needs to get the index of the currently displayed slide. Basically, it's displaying %% of %%% (for those who've got an RPG-II background...). I need to show what number of the current total we're on.

Any ideas or suggestions, or do I go back to the drawing board?

- Toby
  AIM: tobyParent

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