I brought this up back in May at this post:

Of which I end it with my workaround to the problem.  However, I would
love it if jqModal were updated to handle this without my workaround.

On Oct 21, 7:26 am, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Richman wrote:
> > Is the onShow callback in place of the ajax parameter passed to .jqm ?
> > Or something like this?
> > onShow: function() { myUrl = document.foo.bar.value; },
> > ajax: 'myscript.cgi?q=' + myUrl ,
> > I really appreciate the help.  I'm a perl guy trying to muddle my way thru.
> Dan,
>   You bring up an interesting point. It would be convenient in this
> case to have onShow execute before the ajax load, however the current
> version of jqModal does not do this.
>   onShow is executed just before the modal window becomes visible. It
> is intended as a way to add a fancy display effects (e.g. a fade-ins,
> animation, etc.) to the modal -- but also provides a general means to
> inject customized behavior (like a special ajax call).
>   So in this case we'll include the ajax call in the callback and
> display the window.
>   E.g.
> $(e).jqm({
>     onShow: function(hash) {
>         myUrl = document.foo.bar.value;
>         hash.w.load(myscript.cgi?q=' + myUrl);
>         h.w.show();
>     },
>     ajax: false});
> // notice we get rid of the ajax param, as a custom ajax routine is
> used in the onCallback.
> While the above works.. in your case it may not be the most convenient/
> intuitive at first. I think I *may* add another callback to jqModal
> whenever I get around to writing new documentation and examples :)
> This callback would be named "beforeLoad", and would be executed
> before the ajax call, allowing to override the ajax URL in the way you
> mentioned above (changing the value of a global just before the call).
> Another idea is to allow you to pass a function as the ajax param
> which returns the URL.
> e.g.
> $(e).jqm({ajax: function() { return document.foo.bar.value; });
> In any case... better documentation must be written! :)
> Thanks,
> ~ Brice

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