I'm using jquery to zebra-stripe some tables.  On one page, the jquery
consistently displays the same odd behavior.

Here's my code:

$("table.Data tr:even").addClass("EvenRow");

On the first table on the page (the page has several), it applies the
"EvenRow" class to the first eight rows (instead of alternating), then
starts working normally for the rest of the page.

Additionally, in the rows where it acted oddly, I find things like

<tr class="EvenRow" jquery1191784494053="9" jquery1191628120598="9">

It's the same seemingly random number every time, thought the value is
different (a single-digit number, one through 10).

Has anyone ever seen this before?  Why is it applying the "EvenRow"
class to the first eight rows?  And what's with the weird attribute?

(All DOM information found via FireBug.)

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