Hmm, no takers on this one yet. Anyone? I would be happy also with simply knowing how the page in the iframe can get the id of it's parent iframe tag. Easier? Jquery or no jquery, either way is fine.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:

I've googled around and searched this list's history and found various discussions about how to set a value (in this case, in a hidden form field) inside of an iframe from the parent, but nothing so far seems to be making IE happy. I *don't* want to use the frameReady plugin and am looking for any advice someone might have, or a working example?

I basically have a td with an iframe in it. The src for the iframe is an html file. The html file loads, and at some point during use the user will click a button on the parent that has to set a hidden input field in the iframe. If it matters, jquery is loaded in the iframe.


Another bonus would be a snippet of script that will resize the iframe's height to match the height of it's contents. IE: iframe loads it's src, then something modifies the iframe's height so that the user will never see scrollbars on the iframe (it's not very tall, but browser rendering differences make setting a decent looking height a bit challenging).


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