Hi, did you find any solution to this?

I'm having the same problem but worse: not only does the item being
dragged loose it's style, I can't move it into a new position. I can
drag elements, I can drop elements, but only in the same place they
came from.

I changed from floated divs to an unordered list, and specifying
different values for various options sent to the Sortable, but still
have the same problem on Firefox Mac and IE7 Windows.

My list items are block elements which contain floated elements. They
are set to overflow: hidden to contain their floated contents.

                        accept : 'item',
                        opacity: 0.5,
                        helperclass : 'insert'

ul { list-style: none; }
li { overflow: hidden; padding: 5px 0; margin-bottom: -1px; border:
1px solid #CCC; }
li .contents { float: left; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 10px; }

Any help would be much appreciated!



On Oct 20, 2:04 am, NiKo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm quite a newbie and I'm using jQuery 1.12 and interface 1.2
> (interface.eyecon.ro) and I have a strange behavior on my sortable
> elements : the divs I drag have no style applied to, the style comes
> back when I stop dragging them.
> Here's my code :
> $('#ph_columns td.sortable').Sortable(
>                 {
>                         accept:      'portlet',
>                         helperclass: 'ph_sort_placeholder',
>                         handle:      'div.portlet-header',
>                         opacity:     0.9,
>                         tolerance:   'intersect'
>                 }
> );
> Can you see someting wring here ? Here the divs of class 'portlet'
> will see the corresponding css style not be displayed when dragged.
> Thanks in advance for your help :)

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