
I want to trigger an action when a user moves the mouse outside of, or
clicks outside of a particular DIV (named "contextMenu" in the example
below).  But nothing is triggering the event.  Is my below code wrong
or is there no such thing as a "blur" event for DIVs?

Thanks, - Dave

<script type="text/javascript">
                function () {
                        $('#contextMenu').blur(function() {
                                alert('blur');               // Never
gets called.

                        // Set classes for menu items.
                        $('.contextMenuItem').hover(function() {
                        function() {
<div id="contextMenu" style="display:none; position:absolute; border:
1px solid #000000;">
        <div id="editTitle" class="editTitle contextMenuItem">Edit
Module Title</div>
        <div id="myspace" class="myspace contextMenuItem">Export
MySpace HTML</div>

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