I'm sort of reaching here as I don't have access to your completed page to
test on, but perhaps the urchinTracker method is throwing an error?

One of the annoying things about Safari 2 is that when an error is
encountered all javascript on the page halts completely with no message or

I would remove all of your commands but one, see if it executes, then add
each in one at a time to find the offending line.

Start with this only:

    $('.admin .body').hide();

See if it works.  Then add one new command at a time testing between each
one.  Add the urchinTracker command last.


-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:13 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Jquery and safari

        _uacct = "UA-1454666-2";
        $('.admin .body').each(function(){ $(this).hide();});
        $('.page_add').click(function(){ newForm("form.remote"); return
        //$('.file_add').click(function(){ newForm("form.file_remote");
return false;});
        $('form.remote .cancel').click(function(){ newForm("form.remote");
return false;});
        //$('form.file_remote .cancel').click(function()
{ newForm("form.file_remote"); return false;});
        dataType: 'script',
                beforeSend: function(xhr) {
                        $("form.remote").prepend('<div class="flash
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript");},
                var id = this.id;
                        url: "/autocomplete/"+id,
                        dataType: "json",
                        success: function(msg) {
$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]""+id+"\"]").autocompleteArray(msg);
        $(".popup_cal").each(function(){ $(this).calendar();});
    $(".wymeditor").each(function(){ $(this).wymeditor();});

That's the bulk of it. I am using the corners plugin and form plugin
on all pages. Then the wymeditor, ui calendar and autocomplete on some
pages. Even just a on page where I have a link return false and show a
hidden div breaks and goes to the default url (which I put in there
for graceful degradation).

On Oct 24, 8:11 am, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am running safari 2.0.4 and jquery 1.2.1. None, and I mean none of
> > my javascript works in safari. All of it works fine in firefox and
> > most of it works in ie. Is this just a problem with jquery or am I
> > missing something?
> Safari is pants :)

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