Well, I found the issue this morning.  Turned out it was a CSS issue
with how I placed the sfHover class.

I'll leave the URL active for a little while in case anyone else runs
into the same issue.  Please be aware, the CSS is pretty heavy, but
that's what you get when there's a team of designers involved.

 - George

On Oct 26, 10:34 am, walterg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joel,
> I'm currently implementing your superfish JS function into a vertical
> navigation structure and so far, it's worked out great.  There is,
> however, an issue with IE6 as it doesn't open the menu at all and for
> the life of me I cannot figure out why.  I'm using JQuery 1.1.4 and
> Superfish 1.3 with the bgIframe plugin.
> I've posted the site as it stands now out at the following web URL.
> Any help in fixing this is very much appreciated.
>  - George

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