Is there a url we can take a look at?

On 10/28/07, Hiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've discovered something of a 'bug'...  I have a page which generates
> a $.ajax() call with type: "POST", dataType: 'script', .... This works
> great in FF & IE, but fails miserably in Opera (I'm using 9.24)..
> At first I thought jQuery just wasn't able to send POST commands in
> Opera (jQuery Forms sent my form as a GET..).. I've played with
> variations and it seems that it is the dataType: 'script' that is
> hanging me up. I change this to anything else and it gets the code. Of
> course the problem is I'm sending more javascript and want it
> interpreted..
> I would like to be able to support Opera browsers, and I'm curious
> what to do to make that happen? I've been trying to search for info on
> this and can't find anything. I also can't find any references to this
> as a known bug.
> Help!
> -Hiro

Benjamin Sterling

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