The current site is a vast improvement on the last version

DaftPunk :) but no Devo?


Its amazing the number of sites that have jQ doing bits n bobs and working
so well

I am putting together a site using a raft of plugins; its a repeated attempt
(went wrong somewhere along the lines before)

Since 1.2.1 its been coming together more and more; and now a great deal of
the plugins are are coming working with 1.2.1 and each other - everything
seems to be working well together.

Have had a few glitches with UI (but thats likely to be due to me be up
against; or perhaps bugs or a mixture)

I can't help but think of various web apps that could be made with jQ or
existing ones sup'd up eg phpMyAdmin+jQ & UI

the age of ceaseless wonder may dawn soon.

I see positive comment on jQ daily from notable source and so many site on
CSSImport & CssBueaty;  Often I mistake a site for flash when really its jQ
with easing :)

- S

On 31/10/2007, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's exciting - I love the albums that Ministry of Sound puts out. I
> think my page captures that pretty well ;-)
> --John
> On 10/31/07, Sam Sherlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The world Famous Club venue Ministry of Sound is using jQuery
> >
> > slide toggles, ajax and some additonal sprinkles of jQ
> >
> > did'nt see it included on the powered by jQ page, though
> > its quite basic use of jQ its a prominant site.
> >
> > - S
> >
> >
> >

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