It works better, but stills to start twice in 50% of cases
(if you have better idea to start events on ajax-generated content without
LiveQuery, I'm OK :) )

2007/10/31, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Samy,
> >Hi all
> >I'm french PHP developer (part of the Spongestats project -
> >http://spongestats.sourceforge.net) and a newbie user of jQuery.
> >
> >I recently used jQuery to implement an ajax-powered refresh system for my
> >last visitors (as shown on http://fetardalyon.sytes.net/Spongestats/v3/).
> >
> >But, I encoutered the following bug : setInterval is used to call an
> other
> >page, every X seconds, and retrieve new visitors by ajax call. And, each
> >ajax-call is executed twice :(
> >
> >By removing LiveQuery plugin, I can say this plugin is the source of my
> >bug, but I need it to start events on ajax-generated content.
> >
> >So, can anybody help me to resolve it?
> My guess is it's because you're defining that <script> block that sets up
> the setInterval() in the <body> of the page.
> Try moving this block of code inbetween the <head> tags:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> var refresh_details=function()
> {
>         if ($(".plus_details").get(0))
>         {
>                 var top_id=$(".plus_details").get(0).id.split('-')[1];
>         }
>         else
>         {
>                 var top_id=0;
>         }
>         //console.log("essai");
> $.get("includes/inc.home.php",{top_id:top_id},function(txt){$(".ligne-pair:f
> irst").after(txt);$(".refresh:first").slideDown("slow");});
> }
> $(function() {setInterval(refresh_details, 1000*2); });
> </script>
> I've not really looked at the LiveQuery code, but my guess is it's forcing
> the browser evaluating that script block twice.
> -Dan

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