ready() is a replacement for window.onload and is therefore only
intended to be used against document.

   // jquery code goes inside the ready()...
   // eg .....
      .after("<input id=\"CharCounter\"/>")

On Nov 5, 8:59 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following code works perfectly fine:
> 1. Checks if a certain textarea exists.
> 2. Adds an input box straight after it.
> 3. Counts the number of characters in the textarea either (a) when it
> becomes available or (b) on the keyup event.
>        $("textarea#MessageBody")
>         .after("<input id=\"CharCounter\"/>")
>         .ready(function(){CharCounter($('textarea#MessageBody'));})
>         .keyup(function(){CharCounter(this);});
> But when i replace the 3rd line with:
>         .ready(function(){CharCounter(this);})
> It ceases to work.
> How come?
> Thanks to anyone helping me understand this.

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