You could store the type of validation error in a variable (either
global or in, then just apply a class of "fail" to the
invalid elements.

// check for validation errors
var errorType = '';
if (required && no val) {
   errorType = 'required';

if (email && invalid email) {
    errorType = 'email';

// update error details for the element
$.data(e, 'validationError', errorType);
if (errorType) {
} else{

// find the first invalid element

// check the type of error
var errorType = $.data(e, 'validationError');

You could also modify errorType to be an object if you want to store
multiple validation errors per element.

On Nov 5, 3:55 pm, Pyrolupus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for the explanation and the suggestion, but elements are
> already (potentially) sporting multiple classes, due to multiple types
> of validation occurring on the fields.
> Oversimplified pseudo-psuedocode example:
> //
> // begin code
> //
> if (requiredField && $.trim(requiredField.val()).length == 0) {
>   requiredField.addClass('requiredFail');
>   isValid = false;
> }
> if (emailField
>      && emailField.val().length > 0
>      && !emailField.val().test(emailregex)) {
>   emailField.addClass('validationFail');
>   isValid = false;
> }
> if (!isValid) {
>   //here's where we break down...
>   var $firstFail = $
> ('.requiredFail,.validationFail').filter(':first');
>   var elemOffset = $firstFail.offset().top;
>   $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: elemOffset}, 400);}
> //
> // end code
> //
> There are fields that are required, and we check them for content.
> There are also fields that, if provided, must be valid content.  A few
> fields fall into both categories.
> I am using CSS classes to distinguish between the two to make it easy
> for the designer to add new fields--just give them the "required"
> class.  If it's an email field, put "email" somewhere in its ID
> attribute.  Both cases get picked up, but I'm unable to get the page
> to scroll to the FIRST item that matches EITHER validation failure
> class (requiredFail or validationFail).
> > Your issue doesn't actually have anything to do with the filter, it's
> > the selection. $('.class1,.class2') selects all class1, then all
> > class2.
> This totally explains why I have the issue, and I thank you for
> describing it.  I expected the select element statement to behave
> something like, "className ~= /^(?:class1|class2)$/," but it really
> operates more like, "(.class1).push(.class2)."
> Pyro

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