Did you get solution?
If so, please write the solution.
I also got same problem.


On Oct 17, 12:02 am, FreeFallFred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> First, thanks for the great jquery API and thetablesorter/pager
> plugin. They are really easy to use.
> I've had a need recently to dynamicallyaddrowandrefreshthe
> table.
> For now, I don't really care about refreshing the page at the page
> where the newrowwill be added, I just want the page/rowcount to be
> modified properly and the addedrowto be properly positionned in the
> sorted order.
> This is what I'm doing after appending therow:
> $("#table_partenaires").trigger("update");
> $("#table_partenaires").trigger("appendCache");
> $("#table_partenaires.tablesorter").get(0).config.sortList;
> $("#table_partenaires").trigger("sorton", [current_sort]);
> That works fine if I don't use thepagerplugin. But if Iaddthe
> tablesorterPager plugin, adding the newrow"erases" all the rows from
> the other pages.
> Is there a way to reset the cache or something?
> Thanks

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