Or you can use livequery plugin, like this:

<script type="text\javascript" src="PATH_TO_jquery.livequery.js"></
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".button_plus").livequery('click', function() {
                $(this).load( "ajax.php", {template: "testTR"},



On Nov 4, 3:58 pm, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For example...
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   function clickHandler(e){
>     var thisTR = $(this).parent().parent();
>     $.post( "ajax.php", {template: "testTR"}, function(output){
>         $(output).insertAfter(thisTR).find('.button_plus')
>            .click(clickHandler);
>         styleTables();
>       });
>   }
>   $('.button_plus').click(clickHandler);
> });
> On Nov 4, 8:15 pm, alife <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hey,
> > my problem:
> > with the following code I put a TR in my table. in this TR I have
> > further (".button_plus") - elements. I want that the user is able to
> > click on these further elements. how could I realize that?
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> > $(".button_plus").click(function() {
> >                 $(this).load( "ajax.php", {template: "testTR"}, 
> > function(output){
> >                                 $(this).parent().parent().after(output);
> >                                 styleTables();
> >                         }
> >                 )
> >         });
> >  });
> > //ajax.php returns this:
> > <tr>
> >                                 <td><input name="" type="text" 
> > value="Eintrag" /></td>
> >                                 <td><input name="" type="text" 
> > value="Eintrag" /></td>
> >                                 <td><input name="" type="text" 
> > value="Eintrag" /></td>
> >                                 <td><img class="button_minus" 
> > src="images/button_minus.png" />
> > <img class="button_plus" src="images/button_plus.png" /></td>
> >                         </tr>
> > I hope you can help me, thank you in advance,
> > alife

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